Business Awareness Lunch: Outside The Locker Room

Join us for a light lunch (included in your ticket price) and let’s connect. We are working on a Beneficiary for this event and they will be announced prior. Networking: – Join us to connect on a human level – Let’s discuss challenging the status quo and norms within the workplace – There is always time for disruption and thinking outside of the box. 50% of our ticket sales will go to this events beneficiary prior to the event day. This events beneficiary is Outside he Locker Room. Outside the Locker Room is a not-for-profit charity providing critical education for mental health and other social issues. The OTLR program has been developed in partnership with mental health and youth service experts and the education and support offered by OTLR aims to strengthen clubs by reducing the stigma around mental health and connecting the community through conversation. OTLR runs education sessions on mental health, cyberbullying, leadership and culture, inclusion and respect, resilience, mental wellbeing and lifestyle, gambling and drugs and alcohol. OTLR aims to educate and support as many communities as possible, helping athletes lead a happier and healthier lifestyle. Come to listen, learn and be inspired. As professionals we could all learn and help more.

Business Awareness Lunch: Outside The Locker Room

Join us for a light lunch (included in your ticket price) and let’s connect. We are working on a Beneficiary for this event and they will be announced prior. Networking: – Join us to connect on a human level – Let’s discuss challenging the status quo and norms within the workplace – There is always time for disruption and thinking outside of the box. 50% of our ticket sales will go to this events beneficiary prior to the event day. This events beneficiary is Outside he Locker Room. Outside the Locker Room is a not-for-profit charity providing critical education for mental health and other social issues. The OTLR program has been developed in partnership with mental health and youth service experts and the education and support offered by OTLR aims to strengthen clubs by reducing the stigma around mental health and connecting the community through conversation. OTLR runs education sessions on mental health, cyberbullying, leadership and culture, inclusion and respect, resilience, mental wellbeing and lifestyle, gambling and drugs and alcohol. OTLR aims to educate and support as many communities as possible, helping athletes lead a happier and healthier lifestyle. Come to listen, learn and be inspired. As professionals we could all learn and help more.